Saturday, January 22, 2011

Hace cold

Run: 5.2mi/50:00min

I'm totally guessing on that. I'm too lazy right now to check the mileage. And after I ran 3 miles and came back to get Lucy, I forgot to reset my clock, so I have no idea how long the second part of my run was. It was nice to get up this morning and not feel like I had miles or a certain pace to check off a list, but that I just got to go running for however long I wanted.

Yesterday was my first day back, and I fully planned on running, but I couldn't get myself out of bed that early. Unfortunately, Lucy knew I was back, and that I should have been outside at 6am (the same time our driver comes to get our van to pick up the kids). I didn't show up, and I guess she banged around on my parents' apartment door, thinking I was hiding in there. "Take me for a run!" Sorry, Lucy.

This morning, though, I saw her, and had to leave to do 3 miles first, then come back for her. She was beyond excited to get off her chain to go for a run with me when I came back. She ran out the gate, barking the whole way, and ran down the street, jumped around my legs, and I swear she was smiling the whole time. It's nice to have a running partner.

It's also nice to come back to children who remember what we had covered in class before my break. Every day we had talked about the date and the weather, and at lunch 5 year old named Hanibal saw that I had goosebumps on my arm, and said "Es cold, si profe Meghan?" and I said "Si, yes, Es cold!", to which he replied "Si, hace cold." My heart melted right there. In Spanish you say "Hace frio" or "Hace calor" to indicate the weather, and he had simply replaced the "frio" with "cold". Smart kid.

Another girl showed up to class yesterday completely ready to talk about the weather, because before she sat down she started yelling "Sunny! Sunny! Sunny!" The kids know that word because it's sunny almost every single day here. They definitely know what that means.

Sorry, Oregon runners, I hate to tell you this, but: I ran in shorts and a t-shirt today.

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