Friday, April 1, 2011


Run: 2.4 mi/24:00

I got to wake up to this sight, out my bedroom window.
And this morning I set out to finish the dog bed I had started the other day(s).
I had already finished putting in the zipper.
I only tacked together the batting, as I knew that my sewing machine wouldn't be able to handle it.
I had intended to do doublel seams, but on my second seam my machine decided to go wacky, so instead of waiting until I felt like I wanted to wrestle it again, or waiting even longer until it gets fixed, I instead just ironed the seams down, put in the batting, tacked the zipper, and voila! Dog bed. I laid it in the middle of the floor and Lucy wasn't quite sure about it.
But as soon as I placed it in her special corner, she was convinced. Happy dog.
Yes, that is her happy face.

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