Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Las Gaviotas

Run: 3.5mi/34:00

This last weekend our staff and both boards (Mexican and American) met at Las Gaviotas for a relaxing retreat. We had devotions, shared communion, and the boards had meetings, but mostly it was a time to relax and spend time together. We've stayed at this place before, and although we had a few complications, everything ended up working out just fine. They are rental houses, so we rent three of them and do all of our meetings and meals in one house. These houses are huge, some with 6 bedrooms, so they are perfect for us, considering there were about 30 people attending.

Maribel, our daycare's housekeeper, rode with us to the retreat, and her 3 month old, Ismael, got to go along! I spent a few minutes in the Costco parking lot, amusing him.
 This is the view from my parents' balcony, looking out onto the rest of the development, and the Pacific Ocean.
 We all went out to dinner on Saturday night, and these pictures are from our table inside the restaurant, and out on the back deck.

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