Friday, February 11, 2011

Getting it Done

Things accomplished this morning:

Wrote two Sunday School lessons
Prepped all crafts and activities for Sunday
Finished two attendance charts for Sunday School
Planned my tutoring lesson for this afternoon
Started on valentines
Went to the bank
Went to the papeleria for copies

I went to bed last night realizing that once again I had put off all these things I needed to get done. Monday and Tuesday I feel fine. Wednesday and Thursday pass by. All of a sudden it's Friday and just when I thought I had all weekend to get it all together, I've made plans that take away that time. The kids ended up having a big Valentine's Day party this morning, which cancelled my classes, which was absolutely fine by me.

Once in a while I think I should plan better, use my time more wisely. Then I remember that I've always been like this, and working with an impending deadline helps me get things done.

I wanted to embed a live video of Julieta Venegas on the accordion, but it won't let me embed it. Instead, you can see it here.

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