Friday, July 1, 2011

Jogging the World

This week we had a visit from a stranger.

One of our friends here in town has an ambulance and offers EMT services. This is important in our area because emergency services of any kind (Fire, Ambulance) are hard to come by, especially in the outlying communities. He has also been hired to provide EMT watch on many of the big off-road races on the Baja.

Somehow, Tony Mangan got a hold of him, and he escorted Tony for a while this week. Why would Tony need an escort and EMT services?

Because he's running around the world.
I know, I know, if you're a runner, you've probably heard it before. Dean Karnazes runs across the States, so-and-so runs around the world, but Tony is serious.

This isn't a "let's run around the northern hemisphere" run. It's not a "I'm gonna skip whole continents" run. This is seriously running around the entire world. It will mostly likely take 4 years. 

And he will cover 31,000 miles.

I thought I had a hard time finished 3 and a half miles this morning.

We offered Tony a bed for the night, a warm shower, and wireless internet. We got to talk about his trek over lunch. After years of racing, Tony is getting to accomplish his real goal - running around the world. You can follow him on his website.

As for my own running, I haven't said much about trying to get back into it after a lazy Spring. I walk (run!) a fine line between not being too hard on myself or not expecting too much, and telling myself I can absolutely be back at where I was. It's frustrating to find myself "running" paces so much slower than I ever have, yet I know it will only get better with time. We'll see. I have an American treat in my refrigerator for when I finish that "first" 5-miler.

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME POST. This is so awesome.

    Also, don't be too hard on yourself about getting back to a previous level of fitness. You'll get there!!! I have found that the only way to maintain it is to keep signing up for races and making yourself stick to it. I definitely can't take more than a week off. Maybe we can find a race to run together in the near future! :)
