Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I don't dance.

But I do eat salsa. Occasionally. Actually, when Cande, our daycare cook, makes salsa, I put a little teeny-tiny dallop on my plate to test it out. And I'll put a teeny drop of it on a bite of a taco. Because, man, that's spicy stuff.

While I can't do really spicy salsa, my tongue has become accustomed to some salsa. Yesterday, a group member was leaving, and asked Cande to write down how to make her salsa. She didn't have time before she had to leave for devotions, so she explained it to me quickly, and I wrote it down for him.

So now I know.

Ready? It's super simple.

Get a skillet pan and roast your tomatoes and peppers (jalapeños or whichever you want). You know, you roast them until the skin is kinda brownish. This makes them all soft and easily blended. It also brings out the flavors. You can also roast a little cut up garlic if you want. You do this with NOTHING else in the skillet (no butter, spray, water, nothing).

Put the peppers and tomatoes in the blender with some water. Blend. Voilá! Salsa!!

Cande says you can add the garlic, salt, cilantro, and a little bit of onion, however you like it - it's yours to experiment with.

To make green salsa, roast green tomatillos instead of tomatoes.

While we're at it, this is the simplest way to make guacamole. I don't know if it's just Baja style, or all the people I know, but this is great for putting on tacos (especially carne asada tacos!).

Ripe Avocado, water, garlic salt, blender. Make it a creamy, yet liquid-y consistency.

The end.

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