Sunday, June 12, 2011


We were only in Portland a couple of days. We drove down from Seattle, and Manfriend declared it our first road trip. I argued with him, saying that Seattle to Portland isn't really a road trip - you don't even need a bathroom break, a convenience store, or to fill up on gas. I really do try to keep this relationship interesting.

Manfriend's car only has a tape player, and he forgot his iPod, so we stopped at Salvation Army to pick up some tapes. YES! They were only 50 cents, and we stocked up on some classic rock. If you ever find yourself in this predicament, this is the way to go. Hint: Be sure to check the contents of the cassette container. We thought we were getting Tom Petty Live, but instead we got Tom Petty's Greatest Hits. Talk about a disappointment! 

Just kidding. 

We went to dinner with his friends when we arrived, and we spent Friday lazing around. That means we went to breakfast, he visited a pizza restaurant to write his article, and I played Angry Birds while I waited outside. What is WITH level 20-2!!! I CANNOT GET PAST IT!!!

Angry Birds makes me a little upset.

After Manfriend rescued me from Angry Birds, we went to Mt. Tabor to laze around in the park. We are definitely getting good at this activity. I absolutely love Mt. Tabor. I went to school nearby, and I just love the view. Mt. Tabor feels like home.
It was warm both days I was there, and even hot on Saturday, as it got to about 85 degrees. I may live in Mexico, but my Mexico is temperate and windy, not hot!

That evening we went to a Guatemalan/Salvadorian/Mexico restaurant (I kid you not) in Hillsboro, and to see Bridesmaids with my bestie Stephanie. I don't like spending money on movies in the theater, but at the end, I said "That was absolutely worth the ten bucks". The comedy's not for everybody, but mannnnn, it was good.

I found this video of an interview Kristen Wiig and Maya Rudolph did with a French journalist. If you don't find this funny, you probably shouldn't see the movie.

On Saturday we went putt-putt golfing, and I got my hair cut.
 We lazed around in another park before going grocery shopping with Steph. We had our friends over to her place for a BBQ on a hot evening, and it felt like summer.

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